Password Changing in SmarterMail Print

  • Smartermail, Password, Security, update password, update, login, reset, reset password, email
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Changing the password for your email account

From your Client area

You can change email account password from client area. Please follow the steps mentioned as below:

  1. Login to your client area
  2. Click on Services >> My services
  3. Click on the green "Active" for the Product/Service where the email account is linked to
  4. Under Actions: Click on Manage Users
  5. Click on the Paper icon with the pen to edit the email account
  6. Enter your new password in the "New Password" field
  7. Click on the Save button

From your Webmail

You can change email account password from Smartermail (webmail). Please follow the steps mentioned as below:

  1. Login to administrative email account at
  2. Click on Domain Settings (i.e. settings cog with the globe)
  3. Click on the account you want to change the password for
  4. Next to the red Delete button, click on the blue ... button
  5. Click on the 'Change Password' option that appears
  6. Click on Save button

Enabling the 'Change Password' option for email accounts

You can enable the password change option for email account from Smartermail

  1. Login to email account with the user having administrator rights at
  2. Click on Users under Domain settings
  3. Select the user and click Edit
  4. Uncheck the option "Disable password changes"
  5. Click Save button on the top

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