Depending on what email address you are looking to change will depends on the steps required.
If you are looking to change your LOGIN email please see the article on Changing Login Email.
If you wish to change the master email that receives all notifications, this is done by clicking the green update button on the left hand side of the home page once you log into the client area.
If you wish to add different email addresses to receive different email notifications; ie a billing@ email for invoices, you need to click on contacts on the left hand side of the home page and add the required email address and approved emails. Please note that contact emails do not have authority to log in or make changes to the account.
If you are looking to add additional users to your account so that they can do things such as log in and submit tickets, orders or pay invoices for example, this is done via User Management which can be found under the Hello Menu on the left hand side.
Here you can add users and assign varying levels of permissions.
Please make sure you add additional users or contacts to the correct area to ensure the correct permissions levels or information they require.